Little LICAF have created an amazing new comic art competition for youngsters!
Inspired by Steve McGarry’s Biographic Comics, we would love to see what you come up with.
Share your comics with us at to be in with a chance to win prizes for your school and even be part of an online exhibition as part of this years’ LICAF LIVE festival!
So get your thinking caps on, get your creative juices flowing and let your imagination run wild with your pencils and paper!
All the details and instructions are included in the link – you are just a click of a button away from being a comic artist.
Good luck!
View the Competition entries on our Little LICAF Facebook page >>
Note to parents, careers & educators: This activity was initially designed for schools to deliver, however please feel free to enter your child independently and inform us which establishment they attend. 2020 has been a bit of weird one, so we’re changing up the rules!
Little LICAF online
Instagram: @littlelicaf

Here are 10 entries from Swanmead School In Somerset.
Well done to all the pupils in Alison Rose’s Art classes. Good luck for the rest of this school year!
We look forward to sharing more examples of artwork so keep sending in your Biographic Comics to as this activity is running all school year 2020 / 2021!
Photo montage of 10 entries: