
Cyril Lieron
Cyril Lieron was a colour artist for numerous French comics for 12 years, before switching to writing. He began developing the project, Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes in 2018, with his high-school friend Benoit Dahan, being both lifelong fans of Holmes’ and the Victorian era.
The duo are currently working on the next Holmes story, which will be set in Scotland.
Cyril is also developing other graphic novel projects to come.
Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes, published in the UK by Titan Comics, has been nominated for the 2024 Eisner awards for Best Lettering and Best Publication Design. It was also featured on "The Beat" ‘Best 34 Comics of 2023’.
It garnered multiple important awards in France and Quebec, among which Prix du public SNCF du Polar 2020, BDGest’Arts Best Series 2021, Prix Coup de Coeur at Quai des Bulles (Saint Malo) 2021.
Cyril lives in Tours, France.
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